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Do you follow the recommendations you give to your patients? 

  • Generally yes! The advantage in neurosurgery is that our advice is quite simple and obvious: wear a helmet, put on your seatbelt, don't dive into a shallow pool… There is little controversy possible with patients. We leave it to the other specialties to give flatter instructions such as eating well and putting on sunscreen!

What do you think is the most difficult medical practice? The easiest ? 

  • The most difficult practice is the one we don't like and over which we have no control. I would find it extremely difficult to do chronic vulvar pain clinics, while my spouse (gynecologist specializing in vulvar pain…) thinks it's great! Conversely, I have no problem doing 8 hour surgeries without interruption. Ease comes with the enthusiasm one feels for the subject. In medicine, nothing is inherently easy.

Would you be friends with your colleagues if you had met them outside of work? 

  • Certainly not!  They are too old and I would never have met them!

What do you think is the most important factor for a successful residency in your specialty?  A career in your specialty?

  • Love the topic! You have to be there out of passion, because, frankly, there are few rational arguments other than passion for choosing a career in neurosurgery...


Was there an aspect of the residency program that was unexpected and required adaptation on your part?

  • Not really, I knew I was embarking on a specialty with long hours of work and study


What is your favorite alcoholic drink?

  • Wine


How do you plan your vacation?

  • Depending on when I have my children and to ensure the maintenance of superspecialized services

What personality traits are typical of your profession?

  • Perfectionist


What specialty would you never do? Why?

  • Gynecology-obstetrics, difficult to explain but I have never had any interest in any aspect of this specialty


During your medical studies, what did you do on a Friday evening?

  • Outing with friends and movies


How many hours of work per week on average?

  • Approximately 60 hours including work done at home evenings and weekends


What do you dislike most about your practice?

  • Feeling of powerlessness in the face of certain pathologies


What are the difficulties, the least pleasant aspects that you encounter in your specialty? 

  • Same answer as previous question


What car do you drive?

  • BMW X5

What is the best advice you have received? 

  • "Being a good scientist/surgeon/doctor is knowing where you can cut corners." And therefore, where it is essential to be thorough. In surgery, as in science in general, you have to save your energy for the steps that are worth it and be able to let go of the insignificant steps.

What is the most common criticism you receive?

  • "Have you received my message?".


How would your colleagues describe you? 

  • Like someone who is way behind on their emails.


If you had to specialize in something else, what would it be and why?

  • My second choice was psychiatry. I wanted to play inside people's brains! That's another way to do it!


Does your specialty take jokes well at work?

  • Yes, except those of Dr. Fortin.


Do students/residents sometimes make you feel overwhelmed? 

  • Yes! Especially in Netflix series!


If your specialty had to have a romantic relationship with another which one would it choose? 

  • Anesthesia: When we are young, we talk to each other in detail about all the cases and we plan everything. When we get older we stop talking to each other, we go into the room and we do what we have to do. When things go wrong, we blame each other. But at the end of the day, we are always there for each other!

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